Uninstall Service Maps

Datadog Integration

For Datadog users, the uninstall will vary based on how you deployed CodeSee. You can refer to the installation instructions by deployment type here:


If you used Datadog’s dual shipping feature, the flag to enable this is:


Depending on your environment, this will be in a script, env file or other configuration method. It will be set to something like:

DD_APM_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS={"<https://in-datadog.codesee.io">: ["CodeSee_Ingestion_Token_Here"]}\'

If you only have in-datadog.codesee.io you can remove the entire variable. If not, remove the codesee host from the list.

You should also have a secret configured that is the CodeSee token. This can safely be removed as well.

dd-bridge Users

If you installed the CodeSee dd-bridge application, you will need to remove it.

The first step to do this is to modify you Datadog Agent configuration. You should have something like this:

// Ensure tracing and metrics are enabled  
DD_APM_ENABLED: true             // turns on tracing and metrics  
DD_APM_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC: true   // necessary in most environments

// send trace and metric data to CodeSee dd-bridge+  
DD_APM_DD_URL: <location of dd-bridge>

// For example, if running dd-bridge locally  
DD_APM_DD_URL: http\://localhost:8080

Replace the DD_APM_DD_URL with your Datadog endpoint. If you can’t find this, it should be in your CodeSee dd-bridge configuration:

// If you have a private datadog endpoint  
CODESEE_BRIDGE_DD_HOST: <https://your-private.datadoghq.com>

// If you are using EU endpoint  
CODESEE_BRIDGE_DD_HOST: <https://trace.agent.datadoghq.eu>

You replace DD_AMP_DD_URL with the value in CODESEE_BRIDGE_DD_HOST.

dd-bridge is deployed via a docker image. You should have this line in your deployment scripts:

docker pull codeseeio/dd-bridge:latest

It should be removed.

OpenTelemetry Users


If you configured an exporter for CodeSee, you should remove it. The typical exporter looks like this:

    endpoint: "in-otel.codesee.io:443"  
      "Authorization": "Bearer <CodeSee Ingestion Token>"

If you are using the AWS Managed Lambda OTel Layer, this will be in the lambda root in collectors.yaml.

Single Exporter:

If you configured your backend to only send data to codesee, not using the exporter pipeline, that should be removed.

That will be defined like this:

otel.exporter.otlp.headers='Authorization=Bearer <CodeSee Ingestion Token>'  

Exporter in Code:

If you defined an exporter in code, you will need to remove these as well. This is language specific, but in Node, it would be code similar to this:

const sdk = new NodeSDK({  
  traceExporter: new OTLPTraceExporter({  
    url: "<https://in-otel.codesee.io:443/v1/traces">, // CodeSee endpoint  
    credentials: grpc.credentials.createSsl(),  
  resource: Resource.default().merge(  
    new Resource({  
      [SemanticResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME]\: process.env.SERVICE_NAME,  // !! NAME YOUR SERVICE !!  
      [SemanticResourceAttributes.SERVICE_VERSION]\: process.env.SERVICE_VERSION, // (optional) set version  
  instrumentations: [getNodeAutoInstrumentations()],  

If you defined a secret for the CodeSee ingestion token, it can also safely be removed.